Well today was the last day of summer vacation. Gods plan for us was very different than what we had planned for today. Not long after waking this morning Grace climbed on the oven door to get her food that had just been warmed in the microwave. I was in the dinning room when I heard her fall and start to cry, I turned and saw lots of blood. After a quick glance of her toe, as I'm picking her up off the floor, I told Jeff "get a cup of ice, she may lose her toe." He looks again as I'm holding her..."no she will be okay." We all jump into the car, I'm driving while Jeff is applying pressure to her foot, Grace is crying, the boys very helpful and concerned. We were all trying to comfort her while talking about how to not get in a wreck while driving to the hospital...we were in a hurry but we still needed to be safe;) About half way to the hospital Grace stops crying, and says "Jared don't blame yourself, don't blame yourself Jared." This bring tears to my eyes. No one was blaming anyone, no one was in trouble.

She just knows her brother well. He was the one who warmed her food and he was feeling guilty even though he had not said this yet. He told us later he felt bad because he was not there when the timer went off. Jeff and I both told him, we do the same thing, we walk away and go back to it a short time later. So it's not your fault. She just got impatient.
Our prayer now is that she has learned her lesson.

She and the boys did great at the hospital. They are watching cartoons on Daddy's phone, while Grace was soaking her foot in
Betadyne to clean out the blood clot that had formed so that they could sew up the back side of her toe. She cried, okay screamed, when they gave her the shot to numb her toe. She told the doctor as he's sewing her back together "
ow... don't touch my toe!" I will say, she was a big girl. She did great. Both Doctor and Nurse were impressed.
Mom, I forgot to tell you when we talked earlier.
Happy Birthday!! Love you Mom. I've put my life in your hands. You won't drop me, you'll never let me down. Psalm 31:3