Our week and weekend has been...
AC on the camper... broken. (btw Would anyone would like a Pop-Up camper?;) Computer Router...broken. Vacuum cleaner...broken. DVD player...broken. Mower...flat tire so I consider it.... broken. So I try and crank the push mower...broken. I text my sweet husband who is working seven days a week at the moment...."Why does everything break all at once?" And several hours later I text him this..."I am ready for your manly help PLEASE." He texted me back..."Take a deep breath:) I'll be home soon. Love you" He gets home at 5 and he replaces the broken router, replaced the belt on the vacuum (we happen to have one that fit. Thank you Lord) fixed the flat on the mower and with a little starter fluted gets the push mower started. Thank you so much hunny. Do you all ever feel like, okay what next? And your spouse is calm... and just takes care of it. This happens to us a lot in our 14 years of marriage, one of us is upset and the other calms us down. I think this is wonderful and Gods way of keeping balance in our home and in our marriage.
With Jeff working today, we were not sure if we would make it to the Farm Fair. He made it home 30 minutes before we were to leave! Yay!
Looks like Jared is "saying" don't mess with my brother and sister!
We had a fun visit with Nenaw and Papaw before going to the
Farm Fair.
I really like this one... and I'm not sure why.
Cool. But kinda creepy too. ;)
Grace loved the Fire Truck. We told the kids that Papaw Cornett used to drive one of those and the boys thought that was really COOL!
No Grace don't clean the pig with the sponge, throw it at the pig! This was hilarious!!! Caden enjoyed this game station so much he stayed and helped work it for awhile.

They loved this one too!
Snow White was sleeping by 7 and in bed by 7:30. Thank you Fellowship Bible Church we all had a wonderful time tonight!
“And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.” Colossians 3:15
“And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.” Colossians 3:15