Things have been a little crazy lately. I can not believe it's been two weeks since I've been on here. I am so behind on my posts as well as reading everyone else. After my Dad asked me why haven't I posted lately?
I figured I better get on it! Lol!
So, two weeks ago yesterday, Jeff was at work and the kids and I were on our way home from church. We swing by What-a-burger before heading home. We got stopped at a red light where a homeless man was standing and his sign that he was holding read..."Homeless. Every little bit helps." We were the only ones there and we felt the urge to help. As we were gathering food for him, the light turned green and cars were coming up fast so we headed on our way. We felt awful. We drove home not saying anything and we were no longer hungry. Jared was sitting in the front seat forcing down every bite. When we pulled into the drive way I noticed Caden hadn't touched his hamburger. I asked what was wrong. Tearing up, he said, "It's because of that Man." I asked him “do you want to go back and give it to him?" Jared and Caden both said YES! Jared hadn’t eaten any of his fries and he said he could give him those! So off we go! This time we were a few cars back in line and as he walked up to the car, I said my son wanted to give you his hamburger and french fries. He said, "Wow, thank you very much!" The car behind us also gave him something. This was such a wonderful feeling and a neat experience. I haven't helped the homeless in this way before; I never felt safe or the urge to do so. I am so blessed to have two sweet boys' with such a giving heart.

About two hours later I'm talking to my sister on the phone. They were being evacuated from their home because of the forest fire just a half mile away, and 1 1/2 miles from our home. Very scary! This photo is from a few days later of all the smoke. Oh how I wished these were rain clouds...
Caleb, Jared, and Andrew at the Homecoming game! This was my first football game in 16 years. It was crowded and crazy....
But was worth watching my niece perform.
Way to go Caitlin!
After Caden's football game, we spent the afternoon with the Akin's. This is how we kept the kids under control....
We put them in the hog pen! Lol!
Just kidding!!!!! We had to make them get out...I promise!
Caden played an awesome game this past Saturday! He made lots of tackles and two of them were by himself!! This photo was taken after the Bobcats made the tackle. You see who is holding the ball? ;) We are enjoying watching him play. I am getting better, I still do not like watching every play. It's the thrill and the fear of my son playing football.
Riding in the Rhino at Nana and Papaw's.
After the game we went and visited with Nana and Papaw after her very difficult week of enduring shoulder surgery, heart attack and fluid on her lungs. Thank you everyone who has been praying for her!!
After we make it home Caden was just a little hungry. ;)
This is just one of the many projects we have going around the house. Hooking up the Well
With the very little rain we have gotten this year and the water company sending out a letter to it's customers stating, only to water on certain days and only from midnight to 4am., we thought it might be a good idea to get the well up and running. So thankful we finally got some rain last night! Thank you Jesus, for answering our prayers!
Just the two of us on our way to Dallas to visit my Mom in the hospital. Very bitter sweet. We enjoyed our time together visiting in the car, but very sad about why we were going to Dallas. Thank you Nenaw and Papaw for keeping the the kids for us!
Thank you sweetheart for my beautiful Tyler roses.
“Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full - pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” Luke 6:38