I'm back! So sorry Mom and Dad. There have been a few reasons for my lack of blogging. One is that life is just busy!
School, homework, Church, Jared's surgery, more doctors appointments, youth, helping a friend with a memory book of memories of husband and son who passed away is taking a lot of time as well, did I forget to mention school? Jared is on the computer most of the time during the day. I have the BEST intentions to post but it just hasn't happened. Facebook is too easy to post little snapshots of our lives. I can post from my phone. ; ) My poor blog. ; ( I've got a lot of ketchin' up to do. But Dad, I promise I'll try to do better
The past few months have flown by. I can't believe it's 2015!
Since my last post we had a little girl turn 7! The first of August. Wow!

August 2014- the first day of School
After ELO (Extended Learning Opportunities) the kids had a back to school party!
Happy 12th birthday Caden! Love this picture
Jared and cuz Caleb went out for Jared's 15th birthday
October we went on a little weekend getaway with friends
Great Football Season Boy!
Grace and the Bobcat
Thankful for friends. Awesome football season Caden Luke! Won all but one game!
Oct. 21st Jared's surgery day. And my 10 year anniversary of still being alive and well after my brain aneurysm on Oct. 21, 2004. Jeff and I were going to celebrate but we were back at Regional again 10years later. Kinda odd. Jared had several friends, Aunt and Uncles and Grandparents stop by to talk or pray with us. Very thankful for them, Jared enjoyed the visits, it kept him distracted.
Thanksgiving with the families
The St. Romain Family
Took this with the tripod. Not to bad of all of us!
Us at my brothers house for Christmas. It was a great day!
I had a wonderful birthday! Another year older, 39 whoohoo!
This year the boys worked on decorating the house for Christmas. They asked us to stay inside until they were finished. They did a wonderful job! I even got teary eyed
Our Family tradition is going to look at lights on Christmas Eve. And again on Christmas day at Santa land. Well this year we skipped Santa land after we heard of mini Santa land in Longview. Oh my goodness it was wonderful!
We drove through it several times
This one made me laugh. Christmas morning 2014!
They are serious....you better watch out! ;)
Over the Christmas break Papaw called and asked if Grace would like to spend the night. With mom being sick, Grace was 3 yrs old the last time she stayed with them. Grace was so excited!
I found this tonight. Oct. 2012 the last time Nana held Grace. So glad I got a pic of this! I remember Grace did not want her Nana to leave so she climbed up into the car and got in her lap:)

In December, I had my first baby photo season. Precious little one.
School is about to start back for Jared so I may not see all you, (all my 2 followers) for a while. But I will be back. I must journal for our family or I will regret it.