Grace & I have been under the weather this past week. Grace was not feeling well Thursday evening, and has been running a high fever since Friday morning. We decided if she was still running fever this morning, I was going to call the doctor. Well, she woke up fever free and has stayed that way all day. Thankful she is feeling better, and that she didn't have the flu.
Also, Nana & Papaw came over this weekend to give the kids books, books, & more books and lots of toys. They said, they didn't want them anymore and wanted to give them to the kids. Jared read for hours last night, he was in book heaven! He has already earned his six flags ticket and the cut off date is still another four weeks away...he's just like his daddy, he loves to read! Blessed to have my parent, not because they bring the kids books & toys, but because they care and love our children.
We saw our sweet friends & neighbors outside as we were driving in from getting the boys from school today. So we let the girls sit and talk for about 10 minutes, which was a nice break from being indoors over the past 5 days. Thankful for this time with her sweet little friend after being so sick.
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