This past weekend we were blessed with beautiful weather and we enjoyed every minute.
Friday night Jeff and I were blessed with the opportunty to go out on a date and spend some time together, alone. No little 3 1/2 year old running around or an 8 year old boy asking questions or pre teen ears trying to over hear our conversations. Ha!:)

Saturday was project day. Oh the joys of a pier and beam house:)
I love hearing and watching Jeff teach the boys. It always makes me think and wonder what kind of man, husband and father, they will be one day.
Saturday Jeff and Caden made a quick trip to Lowes to pick up a few things. So I thought;) He came home with my valentines gift, two Plum trees! He knows how much I love trees and these will hopefully produce fruit!!!! Yummy! Thank you hunny!
Sunday was planting day. The boys insisted that they help and even claimed a tree to water and to take care of.
Jared working on planting his tree.
Caden digging the hole for his.
All while Grace got to enjoy playing with Alyssa!...
up in the tree house.
Sunday was planting day. The boys insisted that they help and even claimed a tree to water and to take care of.
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