We haven't left the house in over a week and Grace hasn't been out of her pajamas. The beginning of last week she was exhausted and after a few days of resting she started running fever on Wednesday. For about 24 hours the Tylenol and Motrin kept it at a low grade. Thursday afternoon she woke up crying, but her cry was different this time, it was quiet and more of a sobbing. She was burning up!.. I couldn't get her to the kitchen fast enough for more Motrin and a cold dish cloth. I draped it from her forehead around to the back of her neck..... Don't honestly know if that helped, but it made me feel better. Her temperature, it was 105.3! By this point she had stopped crying, and was just life less. Praise Jesus she was still breathing. (Aimee, your mother holding Nathan in front of the freezer intensely came to mind. Wow. I have no doubt this was the Lord!) I opened the freezer door and just stood there holding her and talking to her. After a few minutes she came to a little and said "cold" she didn't like the dish cloth on her head. She was now 104 "point" something, I can't remember. All I know it was going down and my little girl was talking!! After a very quick text to Jeff ...."105.3".... he knew what it meant. He met us at Taylor Medical. They are so much faster than GSMC. Just one hour later, we had one urinalyses, one diagnosis, and two shots in the hiney. The doctor was shocked at her urinary results. He said that it's common to have blood in your urine if you have a urinary tract infection, but to have blood along with pus it's very uncommon. He has only seen a few cases in his years of practice. We have done all the little extra bathroom precautions with her so we don't know how she got this infection. Mom told me infections like this run in the family. We still feel awful. Apparently our little girl has been hurting for awhile.
It's been a very slow recovery. At one point we considered taking her to the hospital for a second opinion. After Jeff and I prayed and discussed again what the doctor had told us we felt at peace.
The antibiotic she is taking is making her avoid/limit her sun light. Saturday evening for about 10 minutes was the first time this week she has been outside. The princess umbrella was blocking the sun, the jacket was because she was cold and the shorts for the fever...trying to keep her temp down when all she wants to do is cover up. It's been baby steps but we are so thankful we are moving forward!
The boys have missed her. She has been here but just sleeping most of the time.
We heard her laugh today for the first time in over a week... it was music to our ears.
Christ gives me the strength to face anything. Philipippians 4:13
Those infections HURT! And when you cannot describe them to a little one it's even worse. Not having sunlight stinks because the sun helps you feel so much better. Maybe the rain will come (until Friday at least!) and make the days pass faster. Tell her Mr. Eric, Mrs. Aimee, Chelsea, Andrew and Abi love her and we are praying for her! If the boys need to come play, bring them over!
ReplyDeleteWow! We will be praying for all of you guys. Aimee is right, those infections hurt. Poor little girl. PTL she is getting better.