1 Corinthians 16:13
Easter Morning Take Two: Tried sitting down...good...but still shadowy.
Take Three: Good one of them laughing, because their Dad said.."Caden, your smile looks like your trying to poop." Ugh..:)
Fourth and final!..We finally move away from the shadowy front porch:) Happy Easter!
Caden and Nana
Tossing rocks on Saturday morning.
Okay,okay, they've had enough of the camera. ;)
The best photos are the ones that they don't know are being taken. ;)
Love this one of the kids swimming, Jeff and I fishing and if you look close enough you can see our camping neighbors Labrador fetching. The only sad thing about this picture is seconds after I took it Grace got sick and started vomiting. Jeff and I packed up camp and headed home.
Sunday morning we were back at Taylor Medical. This time her urinalysis results, were good, which was very good to hear! But watching her while holding her down while they drew 2 vials of blood was not easy. Through the screams, Jeff and I kept telling her she was doing so good, not sure if she even heard us, but she did holler, "No I'm not!" at one point. I remember when I was her age getting tested for allergies and long needles coming at you, it was very scary. We got good news though, they called a few hours later with the results and all of the labs were good and normal. So now the next thing we have to look for is food allergies. I will take that over the alternative.
Thank you Nana and Papaw for keeping the boys and letting them finish out the camping weekend with you!
“So I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life. That way they will experience some happiness along with all the hard work God gives them under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 8:15
Caden asked, "Why did God take 7 days to make everything when he could have made it all at once." I told him "He wanted to take his time and enjoy his creations." Jeff talked about how 7 days on earth are not the same in Heaven. I told him Memaw waited over 50 years to see her husband again. But in heaven 50 years is just a blink of an eye.
Us just before leaving for our girls night out!
We picked up Aimee and Abigail and we headed to Cheddars for dinner. We had the best service! We didn't wait long for a table and we had a wonderful waiter!
After dinner, we were off to PETCO and Wet Pets & Critters! Grace has never been to the Zoo and this was her first time in the pet store. We will definitely go back and will be making plans on going to the Zoo. She loved it!! Thanks to Diego... She was naming most of the animals. "Wow!.. it's an Iguana! and later "Momma look at the Macaw!" Aimee and I were impressed! ;) I guess watching Diego does pay off! HA!! ;) Today she was telling her Daddy all about the Macaw that scared her, because it was so loud and could bite off her finger. So I guess she's scared of them now:/ This is a good thing though. They are a beautiful animal, and I loved watching them last night but they creeped me out, they are so MEAN! On our way back to Aimee and Abigail's house we asked what was their favorite pet they saw tonight. Abi said, "The black puppy." I just knew Grace's favorite was going to be the fish. But no. She said, "The snakes!" Of course she would. Crazy kid! We headed home about 10:00 and in the car she talked all about the fun she had. Just minutes before pulling in the driveway she was out. We will definitely plan another girls night/date night again soon! I think her Daddy would enjoy taking her out for a Daddy Daughter Date too!
A little update on Caleb. He will be having surgery in Shreveport on April 15th. Also last week he fell and crushed his wrist. He had to be put to sleep so that he could have decompression done on his wrist. Poor Caleb. He has had a tough time lately. Thank you Steve, for this photo of the boys!
"Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love." 1 Corinthians 16:13-14