but Little Hearts ask Big Questions.
I love that the kids will bring up Christ out of nowhere. At dinner tonight we were talking about the TAKS test Jared has taken this week and how he will be taking his last and final Science test in April.

Caden asked, "Why did God take 7 days to make everything when he could have made it all at once." I told him "He wanted to take his time and enjoy his creations." Jeff talked about how 7 days on earth are not the same in Heaven. I told him Memaw waited over 50 years to see her husband again. But in heaven 50 years is just a blink of an eye.

Jeff gave some examples of the tiny details of life. Then he asked, "Who told the story, who said it took seven days?" We were unprepared and didn't have a good answer for him. We told him we would need to look that one up.

I can't help but think about how God knew every detail of my life way before I was even conceived. And the amazing thing is with all the stars in the Heavens that He knows by name and all the fish and birds all over the world that He takes care of - He loves and cares for us most! He sent His son to take away our sins. I just feel so overwhelmed by that kind of love. Sometimes I feel like I just blurt things out to Him instead of going to Him in prayer God who is so powerful and more loving than we can imagine. I'm thankful that God cares about me with all the creations that He has and that He gave me three precious kids to love and care for. It makes my little everyday trials less important and worshipping Him for who He is a little more of a priority!
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers,the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? Psalm 8:3-4
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