A few weeks ago good friends of ours The Boozier's gave us a great idea. To have the boys make up there own chore list for the summer. The boys' loved this idea!! They did a good job working together to come up with alternating chores. ex: Caden loads dishwasher...Jared unloads.
Jeff and I also came up with odd jobs around the house for them to work on throught the summer.
Clearing the brush along the back side of the property.
It took them three days! They loved working on this, I had to make them come inside several times to cool off! I'm not sure if this was a "chore" or not they had too much fun. Ha! Awsome job boys!!
Hehe.. This doesn't look like fun or happy faces...
"...man, now Mom and Dad are making us wash the car..."
Now, wait just a minute. Is that laughter I see?!?
I think that towel has seen better days. Hilarious!..silly kid!
3 little rag heads! ;) They worked together and did a great job on the car, and in the end they did have fun!
This week the boys are at summer camp! Caden is there from 9-5 everyday, and on Father's Day we dropped off Jared and haven't talked to him since :( I have seen 2 glimpes of him in the distance while dropping off or picking up Caden. I know he's okay and hopefully having fun.
“Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23:6
So glad the chores are working out. We are busy around here too. Love the good smiles!