Friday, October 23, 2009

An Eventful Week

On Monday, the boys were out of school for a teacher workday :) Tuesday, I got to host our Bunco Group game night!!

Well, Wednesday started off with me over sleeping...till 7:15! Not a good idea when you need to leave your house around 7:30 to get the kiddos to school by 8:00. Thankfully, the boys heard their alarm, and had already eaten breakfast. The one night their daddy forgets to make lunches, I oversleep the next morning! Caden helped me, and what an awesome help he was! We had lunches fixed and out the door at 7:30! A little later, Grace and I are getting ready to meet Nana and Papaw, for our weekly lunch date at Chick-Fil-A. We were already running late, when I hear Grace (on a side note: she puts EVERYTHING in her hair!) in her bathroom getting out the toothpaste and saying "hair, I fix hair." I walk around the corner, and yes, she had already given it a good squeeze. In to the bath she went. My dad called, as I am giving up hope on finding my phone. So glad he did, I told him I am on my way.

On Thursday, everyone was working on getting out of the car after school. I unlock the house to take some things inside. Just a few seconds later, I hear Grace crying. I knew she was hurt. I'm walking out, as Jared is carrying her in. As I am asking what happened, Jared is saying, "she got her hand stuck in the door." Caden is crying, and saying "I didn't mean to!!! She was at the back of the car when I closed it, and then all of a sudden her hand was right there, it was stuck all the way too!" I said, its ok it was a accident. He told me, "I opened it really fast, I mean as soon as I heard just a little bit of a cry." I said, she can move pretty fast huh.? At this moment I felt...Worried (for one child) and Heart Broken (over the others reaction) What a sweet little man I have. Until today we didn't know if she had broken one or more fingers. She is much better today, still swollen and bruised.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogging world! So glad you joined us. Warning - it can become addictive, but very fun.

    Poor Caden. I understand that hurt. I closed the door on my sister's hand when we were younger. You can see it caused irreversible damage *wink*. Glad to hear she is doing much better.


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