Wednesday, March 03, 2010


I mentioned in my last post that the boys have not been getting along. Jeff and I became concerned because this is unlike them. Don't get me wrong, they fight or disagree with each other, but not like they have these past two weeks. We have always been open with talking to the kids, and have shared some of our own childhood experiences. Hoping that this may help them with their journey. We were concerned that maybe something happened at school. We talk to Jared and he says everything at school is "fine." Jeff & I know that there is a reason he is acting out like this. I talked to Jared again yesterday morning. He said, Caden has been mean to him for a long time, and he wants him to know how it feels. He agreed with me that this was wrong. He said, he's just tired of it!! I would agree with him on that. The more we pray about this the more we feel like this is a sibling issue, and not a bully at school. I did go head and call his teacher yesterday, just to find out how he's doing. She said he is doing great! He's a fun loving student and seems to be happy. He has lunch and plays outside with several close friends everyday. She will keep an eye on him and if anything comes up she will call. This put my mind at ease. Now we are praying how to handle this. Later, I shared with Caden some of my conversation I had with Jared. He felt upset, and said he wouldn't be mean to him anymore.
We also rejoice in suffering, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance, character, and character, hope. Romans 5:3-4

1 comment:

  1. I think this will one day happen with Jace and Tabi. Tabi is so very hateful to Jace. All we can do is PRAY!


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