Thursday, August 18, 2011

Summer Fun

We have done our best to keep cool this summer! It has been a HOT one for sure. I believe it got up over 110 degrees at one point. We haven't had temperatures like this since 1998! I'm so thankful I got pregnant with Jared in December of that year. Hew..not sure I would have made it through that one being HUGE pregnant. ;)

The boys are getting older and they asked if they could set up the pool this year. We said, SURE go right ahead! Love this one of Jared! Ha!

Jeff and I did end up giving them a hand. But really, they did a pretty good job on their own! The hard part is making sure the pool is level.

First swim of the summer! Hehehe..too funny Caden!

Who is walking who again? Caden was trying to walk Ginger, my parents "puppy" Lol!

Having fun with Nana on the Rino!

Here's Jared with his good friends Ethan and Andrew at his first over night summer camp! He had a BLAST!

Here's Caden also at Rockin' C Ranch...need I say more! He LOVED it!

We're riding my favorite ride at Six Flags! The Roaring Rapids!! Yes.We.Got. SOAKED!

0 o O oO oOo   jared & caden   0oO 0 oOo O o

We had fun siting in the car waiting on the storm to pass.. (this is the last time I remember getting any rain) and ready to watch the fire works show!
Jared and Caden
  Grace watched from the inside the car...she said it was beautiful but too loud.

Sun Screen is one thing we used plenty of this summer. It has gotten to hot to swim. :( I know that sounds crazy but the pool at one point felt like a hot tub...ugh!

This happen to Jeff on the way home from work one day.
So... Note. To. Self. Never leave a soda can unopened in your vehicle when it's 110 degrees out side. Caden was on the phone with him when it exploed and he started laughing so hard he had to repeat himself several times so that I could understand what happenend. He said, "Dad said he almost peed on himself while driving down the road!!! He said a soda can exploded in his truck and it sounded just like a gun shot!"

This is what I did one day to help keep cool. Yumm..I haven't had one of these in years! Thank you Aimee, for the dipped cone and for a fun day with you guys!

We adventured back to the Civil War.
This was so much fun! When the photographer said "Okay now give me a serious look" the boys took that to extreem. I love it! Speaking of the heat, I can not imagine living back then and having to wear these clothes. Bless their hearts. I thought 10 minutes was bad enough.

And last but not least.The beautiful sunset while driving home from Meet the Teacher tonight. was so beautiful. 

Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness”... John 8:12

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! What a good idea to condense the summer.


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