Tuesday, January 11, 2011

One Month Ago

Sometimes things do not hit me until I read them. The other day I received this from a friend of mine.
Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
-Frank Outlaw
This was something I really needed to read today and everyday, thank you Lord for this reminder.
Jeff and I have been through a lot this past month. After lots of prayer we felt like we needed to journal this for our family.
As most of you know, we (I) had the tubal ligation after Grace was born because the Doctors, my OBGYN and my Neurologist were not thrilled about the pregnancy. Four months into my pregnancy with her my neurologist wanted me to abort the pregnancy, because of my brain aneurysm 3 years prior. We named her Grace because it took all of Gods grace to make it through her pregnancy and just to get her here. Now, 3 1/2 years later (confirmed by the doctor on my birthday) we're faced with a miscarriage and a decision we and the doctors both thought was best for my health and for our family. But now, a loss. I was just told, 2-3 years after a tubal ligation the chances of getting pregnant are higher than just after the procedure, but your most likely to have a tubal pregnancy which is very dangerous, or result in a miscarriage. Going through this before seeing lots of family, just before the holidays was not easy, but at the same time was such a blessing! I am so thankful it happened when it did and not the week of Christmas. This gave Jeff and I a little time to wrap our heads around it all. Truly Gods timing!
But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today," so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. Hebrews 3:13


  1. Stacey thank you so much for sharing this painful and private situation. We will be praying for you and Jeff.

  2. thank you for sharing. That is such a significant loss & my heart hurts for you. Will be praying for you.

    Heard you are not returning to MOPS. We will miss you.

  3. Thank you, I appreciate the prayers very much!

    Charity- I'm going to miss you too! I've been praying about it because I really want to start volunteering more at the school and with baseball season just around the corner and Jared back in swim I will never be at home :( Merrisa and I are having lunch tomorrow and keeping in touch...she is also going to keep me on the MOPS email list, so I may see you at some of the parties and get togethers!!

  4. I know you are:)and I'm doing okay. I told my parents yesterday before they read it on here. That was not easy...maybe just letting them read it would have been best for me. :/


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