Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The A Honor Roll

{click on letter to enlarge}
We received this letter today from the school district stating that Jared made the A honor roll. He didn't know last year that he missed this achievement by one point, we kept this from him to prevent him from being upset. We didn't tell him until later when we felt that enough time had passed. However he surprised us by being very mature about his near miss.

Way to go Jared!!! We are so proud of you and your hard work. Were honored to be your parents and we love you very much.
Love, Mom & Dad

"For I know what I have planned for you, ' says the Lord. "I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope." Jeremiah 29:11


  1. Way to go Jared!! We are proud of you!!

  2. way to go. we got the same letter. see you there.

  3. Jared's Grandparents are unsure of how to leave a comment and have asked if I would leave one for them.

    Jared called both sets of grandparents to invite them to the award ceremony. They both said that they would be there to see him receive his Award, and that they loved him very much and was very proud of him.

  4. Thank you for your very polite comments!

    Sincerely, Jared


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