Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Strawberry Anyone?

Why sure...

don't mind if I do...

take a few.

Grace and I had a great time at the strawberry orchard today. We enjoyed picking and eating a few too. ;) These strawberries are so delicious!!

We had two baskets to fill, one for us and one for Nana & Papaw. Grace was a big help to me, she carried her basket and was very careful not to drop or spill the berries. Thanks Stephanie for telling us about Mc Peak Orchards.
The land produced vegetation-plants yielding seeds according to their kinds, and trees bearing fruit with seeds in it according to their kinds, God saw that this was good. Genesis 1:12


  1. How fun! I didn't know you two were going! So, did you get a facebook to find that out?! ;-)

  2. She is so cute! We hope to go on Sat. Wednesday does not work for us! I can't wait.

  3. facebook page yet...hehe! Stephanie blogged about the orchard few days ago. Baby K will love the orchard, Grace would pick one and take a bite and say "mmm...nummy!!"

  4. This early morning I had a vision on Grace being Strawberry Shortcake for halloween! You must do it!

    We need to take all the kids when they are finished with school. They will have a great time.

    Wish you were going this weekend even though you have no reason too! It would be great fun to shop!

  5. Stac, where is this patch. I must know, lol! I LOVE strawberries. Are they reasonable in price?

  6. Hey Jess! I miss reading your blog, post soon okay;)

    The strawberries are in Pittsburg off of 271. We got two full baskets for $13!.. You only pay for what you pick.


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