Saturday, January 09, 2010

Thankful for Her Return

Yesterday morning our plan was to let our dog outside for about 30 minutes, while we took the boys to school. With the weather so cold, we didn't expect her to run off when we opened the gate. Well...she did! The last time she did this was 4 months ago, back in September, and she was gone over 12 hours! Jeff and I were beginning to think she was not coming back, because she has never been gone that long before, when she finally walked up to the house. Well yesterday she was gone 6 hours, when a woman knocked on our door. She asked if we were missing a dog? Yes. Is it a Golden Retriever? Yes it is! Well I have your dog in my car. She was at our shop drinking lots of water and walking in circles like she was very confused. We told her how she got out this morning and that she was 9 years old. She said that she thought she looked to be older, and maybe she couldn't find her way home, so she wanted to help. We are so thankful for her thoughtfulness and willingness to help. We will definitely be keeping closer tabs on Abie. We told the boys about what happened, and they took the news pretty well. We feel that if they know whats going on with her health, when she does pass away (whenever that may be) they will take it a lot better.
Yes, this was another dog post and it may have bored you, but this is what our family is going through right now, and I wanted to journal. Thanks so much for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Thank God for that lady. What a blessing she was to you guys! I think you are smart for letting the kids know of her health. That way it isn't so much a shocker when and if anything ever happens to her. Our animals become an extension of our family. I never thought I would be as close to animals like I am our two doggies. One day Pepper got out the front door and took off after a cat down the road and you would have thought she had gotten ran over. Kenzi and Jace were crying like was devastating for them. They thought she ran off forever or would get ran over since we live so close to main road.


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